Volume Two: Problems in Christian Faith Clergy Sexual Abuse and Clericalism in the American Church

The Elephants in Gods Living Room

A Self-directed Study Guide

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Volume Two Abstract

Course Title: Problems in Christian Faith

Clergy Sexual Abuse and Clericalism in the American Church

Topics included:

Clergy and religious leader sexual abuse

Authoritarianism and religious authoritarianism

Religious institution clericalism and malfeasance

Victim responses and post-traumatic stress disorders

Utilization of Study Guide

This self-directed study guide may be downloaded and used for personal study or for classroom use by undergraduate or graduate students and their faculty. It may also be downloaded and used by congregations, denominations, and other religious institutions in continuing education activities. Finally, it may be downloaded and used by individuals who wish to inform themselves about matters of clergy and religious professional abuse. Copyright information should accompany each downloaded use of this material.

Table of Contents

Course Objectives

Prefatory Comments before Beginning

Introduction to Study Process

Precautionary Wisdom

Unit One: Research and study vocabulary

Unit Two: Introduction to clergy sexual abuse

Unit Three: Introduction to authority and authoritarianism

Unit Four: Introduction to religious institution clericalism

Unit Five: Introduction to post-traumatic stress disorders

A Reminder

A Warning

Enduring Space: www.ruthkrall.com

© Ruth Elizabeth Krall, March, 2013

Transforming Cultures of Violence One Person at a Time, One Moment at a Time

Enduring Space