Inanna’s Way: A Personal Journey into the Underworld

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The Song of Life Sings Us

Inanna’s Way bears testimony to the life force that flows in and through each one of us and that will continue to flow when any one of us has returned our bodies to the dust from which we were created. It is life herself that has borne us out of the womb of past generations. It is life herself that continues to give birth to itself in succeeding generations. For this moment we are simply a manifested vessel of consciousness into which life has poured flesh, breath and spirit. For this time we know as our life, we are simply a water skin of life’s consciousness. Life moves in and through us as life wills. Life brings us breath, and for as long as we live, life continues to breathe in us.

We participate in life by living but we cannot control the life force as she moves among us, breathing into each one of us and bringing us to consciousness. When our own individual life ceases to be breathed, life will continue to bring consciousness into all subsequent manifestations of its ongoing being and becoming.

When reading this book’s contemporary retelling of an ancient Sumerian narrative, listen to it with an open heart. Accept this story of the Sumerian goddess Inanna into your heart and know her story mirrors many shapes of suffering and transformation, many seasons of shattering and metamorphosis. In hearing Inanna’s story whispered through my words, listen for your own story. In honoring Inanna’s journey, honor your own.

Every individual life knows times of death, suffering, and loss as well as times of resurrection and reanimation of the life force. No human individual can escape the underworld’s wisdom for life.

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