A Thomas Doyle Cyber-Anthology

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A Thomas Doyle Cyber-Anthology

Studies in Religious Community Sexual Violence

Father Thomas P. Doyle, OP, JCD, CADC

The church cannot credibly exert moral authority in any area where the public perceives it is incapable of maintaining moral authority internally.

Attorney and Author F. Ray Mouton

Introductory Comment

In late November, 2015, Roman Catholic theologian, William Lindsey suggested on his November 24, 2015 blog Bilgrimage [http://bilgrimage.blogspot.com/2015/11/father-tom-doyle-on-catholic-bishops.html] that someone needed to collect Father Thomas Doyle’s published writings in one place. Dr. Lindsey suggested that Doyle needed his own webpage. Because many of Doyle’s books, book chapters, and professional periodical chapters are already in print, I personally doubt that this will happen in the near future. What needs to happen for their use in an academic market is for them to be collected into a series of anthologies.

Thus, this cyber-anthology came about. It is a very small contribution toward making Dr. Lindsey’s hopes for a comprehensive bibliography a reality.

Eventually, someone will need to create an anthology, or more likely a series of anthologies, of Father Doyle’s work in much the same manner that the executors of Father Thomas Merton’s literary estate have done with Merton’s journals. This work is needed so that the Catholic Church, as the people of God, will not need to reinvent the wheels represented by Thomas Doyle’s years of work in the twentieth-century and twenty-first-century. Instead, future scholars and activists will be able to build upon a significant body of intellectual and advocacy work in the field of clergy sexual abuse inside the Roman Catholic Church by an ordained priest who, as a whistle-blower for more than thirty years, has straddled the border between insider and outsider.

Because the world-wide-web is such a transient place, I hope that this cyber-anthology will spur one of Father Doyle’s Roman Catholic academic colleagues to begin the negotiations with him to bring his work into an orderly printed academic format.

Personal Interest

Since my retirement I’ve been keeping a computerized, cumulative bibliography of all books and journal articles I read. Thus, pulling together this cyber-anthology was simply a matter of collecting this information and ordering it in some manner.

As I worked, I literally re-opened every file in order to ascertain that each URL address was functional.


URL addresses seem to me to come and go without rhyme or reason.

As of December 1, 2015, each of the following URL addresses was functional. If, in the future, an address does not open, type in the full name of the document and you can usually find it.

  • For documents from Richard Sipe’s web pages, there is a search button that can be used. In addition, most – however not all – of Father Doyle’s documents on that site are indexed under his picture.

  • For documents from the National Catholic Reporter, there is a search engine button which can be used. Using the title is better than using Father Doyle’s name because there are so many Catholics and Catholic priests in the USA named Doyle.

  • For documents from the Voice in the Desert web pages, there is a search button which can be used. Once again, the title is a more efficient way to search that Father Doyle’s name.

An additional note: There are multiple deposition and affidavit reports on the world-wide web. I have included only a sample to indicate the type of work Doyle does as a court expert witness.

1980 – 1989

Doyle, Thomas P., Mouton, F. R., and Peterson, M. (1985). The Problem of Sexual Molestation by Roman Catholic Clergy: Meeting the Problem in a Comprehensive and Responsible Manner. [Commonly referred to as The Manual].

1990 – 1999

_____ (July, 1993). Clergy Sexual Abuse: The first decade

2000 – 2010

Benkert, M. and Thomas P. Doyle. (November 27, 2008). Religious Duress and Its Impact on Victims of Clergy Sexual Abuse.

Doyle, T. P. (March 3, 2008). Affidavit of Tom Doyle [Bear County, Texas].

_____ (May 24, 2004). Affidavit of Thomas Patrick Doyle [Wayne County, North Carolina]

______ (June 24, 2008). Book Review of Hamilton’s Justice Denied: What America Must Do to Protect its Children.

______ (May 11, 2008). Book Review of Yallop’s The Power and the Glory: Inside the Dark History of John Paul ll’s Vatican. Ret

_____ (February 6, 2006). Canon Law: What is it?

_____ (June 9, 2008). Gathering with Bishop Geoffrey Robinson (retired, Australia) in La Jolla, CA: Reflections.

_____ (June 8, 2006). Interview with Pasadena Weekly’s Andre Coleman re Cardinal Mahoney of Los Angeles Archdiocese.

_____ (May 22, 2009). Irish Abuse Report Demands Decisive Action. National Catholic Reporter Online.

_____ (June 28, 2006). Reflections on Clergy Abuse: Where We Are Today.

_____ (September 22, 2009). Sexual Abuse by Nuns.

_____ (February 26, 2004). The John Jay Report and the National Review Board Report.

_____ (March, 2007/July, 2008). The Myth of False Claims and Accusations of Clergy Sexual Abuse

_____ (June 16, 2004). The Politicization of the Eucharist [Association for the Rights of Catholics in the Church].

_____ (August 20, 2008). The Pope’s Visit: A Reflection on Waiting.

_____ (May 22, 2009). The Ryan Report: Father Tom Doyle Issues a Challenge.

_____ (September 20, 2009). Sexual Abuse by Nuns.

_____ (September 30, 2007). Some Questions and Answers about Child Sexual Abuse: Responses by Thomas Doyle

_____ (June 1, 2007). Testimony of Thomas Doyle in Support of Bill 17-146, The “Childhood Sexual Abuse Act of 2007.” Council Chamber, Washington, D.C.

_____ (July 13, 2008). The Survival of the Spirit While Mired in the Toxic Wastes of the Ecclesiastical Swamp. [Conference Address to SNAP]

_____ (July, 2008). The Understanding of Forgiveness: the Victim’s Voice.

_____ (August 16, 2008). Thomas Doyle Reflects on His Regiment.

[These are important remarks about the priesthood and about religious orders. You need to scroll down to the bottom in order to find Tom’s comments in response to those of others.]

_____ (January, 2008). VOTF [Voice of the Faithful] and the Reform of the Governmental Structure of the Catholic Church

_____ (October 17, 2006). What Bishops Can Do to Help.

2010 – Present

_____ (May 11, 2012). A Radical Look at Today and tomorrow [Santa Clara University Conference, Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church: A Decade of Crisis, 2002-2012]

_____ (October 12, 2010). A Short History of the Manual

_____ (February 17, 2011). Address given to the Faculty of the Law School of the University of Gent, Belgium

_____ (May 21, 2011). Arrogant Clericalism Never Addressed in John Jay Report. National Catholic Reporter Online.

_____ (May 5, 2015). Bishop Finn: The Rest of the Story. National Catholic Reporter Online

_____ (April 22, 2015). Book Review of Tapsell’s Potiphar’s Wife National Catholic Reporter Online.

_____ (2010). Clergy Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church: Reflections, 1984-2010.

_____ (January 20, 2014). Guest Opinion: Clergy Sex Abuse: Transparency According to Cardinal George. National Catholic Reporter Online.

_____ (April 5, 2014) Clergy Sexual Abuse and the Church Today: Turning Talk into Action [Address to Voice of the Faithful].

_____ (2010). Clergy Sexual Abuse in the Catholic Church: Reflections, 1984-2010.

_____ (January 20, 2014). Clergy Sexual Abuse: Transparency according to Cardinal George. National Catholic Reporter Online

_____ (October 20, 2014). Consultation, Anabaptist Mennonite Biblical Seminary, Elkhart, IN.

_____ (November 10, 2011). Court Ruling on Church Responsibility the Correct One. National Catholic Reporter Online

_____ (June 22, 2011). Detroit Weekend of Lectures Neglects Sex Abuse Crisis. National Catholic Reporter Online.

_____ (July 31, 2015). Different Ways to Make a Difference [2015 Conference Address to SNAP in Alexandria, VA]. National Catholic Reporter Online

_____ (February 17, 2011/March 23, 2011). Excerpts from Reports on Sexual Abuse by Catholic Clergy.

_____ (May 24, 2010). Excommunication in Phoenix: Was True Justice Served?

_____ (September 11, 2011). Expert Opinion of Thomas P. Doyle in Support of Victim Communication Pursuant Article 15 of the Rome Statute Requiring Investigation and Prosecution of High Level Vatican Officials for Rape and Other Forms of Sexual Violence as Crimes Against Humanity and Torture as Crimes Against Humanity. File Number OTP-CR-159/11

_____ (February 22, 2013). Conference Address [William Mitchell College of Law (St. Paul, MN) Conference: Failure to Protect: Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse.]

_____ (July 8, 2015). How Clergy Abuse Survivors Have Changed History [2014 address to SNAP in Chicago]. National Catholic Reporter Online

_____ (July 26, 2012). Interview: Losing Faith: Abuse Cover-up and the Catholic Church [Media Mayhem with Allison Hope Weiner].

_____ (February 19, 2013). Interview: Priests, Abuse and Vatican Conspiracy [Media Mayhem with Allison Hope Weiner|

_____ (April 4, 2010). Interview: Tom Doyle Uncensored with George Negus [Australia].

_____ (February 25, 2014). Interviewed for documentary: Secrets of the Vatican. Frontline: A Story of Corruption and Cover-up.

_____ (January 12, 2012). Irish Journalist whose documentary uncovered sex abuse dies. National Catholic Reporter Online.

_____ (July 21, 2011). Irish Prime Minister Challenges the Vatican – and us. National Catholic Reporter Online

_____ (May 21, 2011). John Jay Never Assessed Arrogant Clericalism. National Catholic Reporter Online

_____ (May 26, 2015). Milwaukee Diocese: Hypocrisy at its Worst.

_____ (March 10, 2010). More Revelations from 25 years of Experience

_____ (October 19, 2014). The Once and Future Church [Address to New Perspectives in Faith, College Mennonite Church, Goshen, IN].

_____ (April 23, 2013): Panel Discussion of Mortal Sins: Sex, Crimes and the Era of Scandal by Michael D’Antonio [Bleecker St. Theater, New York City].

_____ (October 30, 2015). Tom Doyle Reviews SPOTLIGHT. Hamilton and Griffin on Rights.

_____ (January 11, 2011). Paraclete Report

_____ (November 11, 2010). Pope and Cardinals Don’t Need Prayer; They Need to Listen. National Catholic Reporter Online

_____ (March 6, 2014). Pope Francis on Abuse….A Disappointment. National Catholic Reporter Online.

_____ (March 25, 2014). Pope’s New Abuse Commission is Another Promise Waiting to be Broken. National Catholic Reporter Online.

_____ (April 25, 2014). Records Show that John Paul II Could Have Intervened in Crisis but Didn’t. National Catholic Reporter Online.

_____ (April 21, 2010). Revising History Vatican Style. National Catholic Reporter Online.

_____ (May 26, 2010). Shades of Grey in a World of Absolutes. National Catholic Reporter Online

_____ (March 12, 2010). The 1922 Instruction and the 1962 Instruction: “Crimen Solicitationis” Promulgated by the Vatican

_____ (May 20, 2010). The Bishops Love You until You’re Born.

____ November 12, 2010. The Causes of Clerical Sexual Abuse. [The Clergy Abuse Reparation and Prevention Conference: Sydney, Australia]

_____ (January 4, 2010). The Causes and Contexts of the John Jay Study: Reflections.

_____ (May 20, 2011). The John Jay Document 2011: Reality Revised.

_____ (April 1, 2010). The Pope, the Church and Sexual Abuse.

_____ (March 21, 2010). The Pope’s Letter to Ireland: A Disappointment that was Doomed from the Start.

_____ (July 15, 2010). The Vatican’s New Norms. National Catholic Reporter Online.

_____ (May 22, 2010). Shades of Grey in a World of Apparent Absolutes. National Catholic Reporter Online.

_____ (July 27, 2013). Thirty Years: What We’ve Learned and What I’ve Learned.

_____ (March 2, 2013). Viewpoint: Who Paid the Bill for Mahoney’s Cardinal Hat? National Catholic Reporter Online.

_____ (December 21, 2010). What Victims Hear in Pope’s Talk on Sex Abuse. National Catholic Reporter Online

_____ (August 2, 2014). Where We’ve Been and Where We are Going: How Survivors Have Changed History [SNAP Conference Address, Chicago, IL]

_____ (June 5, 2013). Why the Institutional Church Does What it Does: A Look Inside Institutionalized Narcissism. [Address to SNAP in Dublin]


_____ (Undated). Capuchins of St. Joseph Province

_____ (Undated). Proposed Legislation to Protect Children from Sexual Abuse): Objections and a Response

_____ (Undated). SNAP, the Bishops and a Lesson in Ecclesiology

_____ (Undated). The Doctrine of Mental Reservation.

Collated by Ruth Elizabeth Krall, MSN, PhD

© Enduring Space: www.ruthkrall.com

Transforming Cultures of Violence One Person at a Time, One Moment at a Time

Enduring Space